Born in 2003, "young" into the game of life. So far. I've always seen my future as an artist, the medium varying depending on the era of my life.
A consistency though was always a drive to create, it being drawing horses in elementary school, poems (bad ones) in middle school, or even video projects in high school; I always found myself creating something.
That creativity is what I believe is what makes us human, original I know, but that drive to build consciously and with a plan. It's something profound, like tapping into the source of what we are. Energy. It is all.
Anyways this is me eating a pizza on my first day in my first official studio :D I'm still so happy about it.
I hope y'all find a connection when browsing through my collection of works.
Also I love to play 8-Ball Pool, Hikes, Winter, and Tulips.